Saturday 17 November 2012

Thriller planning update - lighting test

Thriller planning update - lighting test

Below is a picture I have taken using my phone(so the quality may be a bit poor) testing how we can use lighting to create a film noir tone. When I took the photo it was around 4:00 so it wasn't too dark or too bright. To create the light in the corner since I do not have access to a high powered lamp I used the light from my laptop to achieve this look. I hope to implement this method in my groups thriller when we film the apartment scenes.

One quick update - editing audio in final cut

Since we are going to use final cut pro to edit our film I felt that It would be appropriate to research a little about how to edit audio since a lot of the sounds used in our thriller will be non diagetic, The video above shows how to edit audio in this program and will hopefully be useful in our editing stage.

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