Thursday 8 November 2012

Script for Memento Mori- Noir like monologues for both protaginists

Script for Memento Mori- Noir like monologues for both protagonists

First opening sequence as vigilante is walking the streets

"Dahlia"- the vigilante :This city is beyond saving. It's drowning in it's old sin. They call L.A. the city of angels, ha! More like the city of fallen angels. In the army I was told Momentno Mori: Remember your mortality. But what happens when you lose it, what happens when it's taken away from you and you become just another slave fighting a war you don't understand. You come to find you have to fight a diferent kind of war against the animals on the streets, and the animals are winning. An angel fell in L.A. and only the dead can save the damned.

Vigilante enters the apartment

"Dahlia"- the vigilante : The city is dying, her streets are polluted, a deadly virus released into her corrupt circulatory system. Paper's call it euphoria, a new designer drug. Rich take to forget about the poor but instead it becomes your one way ticket into an open casket. To make any sense of it we have to back 3 nights ago.
Flashback to the body
It was cold that night, colder than the devil's heart. When I found the body, she was mutilated, her blood drained and her face.... slashed! Someone had carved her a "Cheshire grin". This was not the work of a common killer; someone wanted to send a message and they wanted to do it well. As I searched the scene looking for leads, there it was staring at me, grinning with its poisonous glare. A note written in lipstick "aut vincere aut mori" either to conquer or to die. I remember that qoute. I'd seen it before at the Eylsian Pharmaceutical centre, the original producers of the drug euphoria. Clearly this wasnt just your common murder. One things for sure an Angel fell on the streets of LA. Somebody knows why. Out there, someone knows the truth.

As the vigilante investigates apartment building during this scene it match cuts several times into flashbacks and into our second protagonist the detective. In his office as his drinking and clearly struggling with the recent case of murders

Theodore "Teddy" Kaplin - the detective: Bodies, Cadavers, Corpses littering the streets and the police.. we have no clue. The people ?, hopped up on sex and drugs as they lay waste to the city, but the city she calls to me, she calls my name, she say's save me!!

Note: These monologues are internal therefore will be non diagetic sounds

Fades to black to present day

Non diagetic background sound- Police: "Dahlia" come out with your hands up

Non diagetic background sound- "Dahlia"- I'm ready when you are!


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