Dream casting
Below are actors who I would cast as characters in our thriller film with some justiifcations as to why I have cast them.
Nathan Fillion as "The detective" Theodore Kaplin
Fillion is a candaian actor aged 41 and best known for his role in the television series Firefly. The reason why chose him for the role of Kaplin is because of his strong performances in film and tv as well as his appearance. Fillions handsome yet aged appearance would be perfect for this role as it connotes a fairly youmg cop with naive ideas worn down by time and life around him. Note his face is'nt too young to convey a sense of naivity and he doesnt have many scars or wrinkles to connote an old and cynical man. Finally fillion's hair style in the picture to the right would be perfect for a 1940's man and with a small amount of adjustments such as slicking his hair back it he could easily portray a 1940's detective. However since Fillion isnt availiable; to find someone to portay the detcetive, I would want them to have to have short hair at least, brown preferably and not have a very young or old face.
Liam Nesson as "The vigilante" Dahlia
Liam Nesson is an irish actor aged 60 and known for his roles in taken and schindlers list. I've chosen him to play Dahlia for his previous work in the film darkman as darkman a strong inspiration for the development of "Dahlia" in our film. Furthermore if we made the film into a full lenght film and the character were to b e unmasked I feel that Nesson's aged face would suit the vigilantee well in depicting an extreme version of the detective. In additon according to imbd Nesson is 6 ft 4. I feel that this hieght will benefit the character greatly creating an intimerdating figure. On the other hand since we do not have acess to Nesson, it would be advisable that I find someone who's quite tall however in cirumstances in which I cannot find anyone like this since we are filming scenes in which the vigilante is by himself and isnt unmasked throughout our opening anyone who is avaliable and male is acceptable.
Natalie Portman as Elizabeth short
Natalie Portman is an american actress known for her work in the star wars trilogy and made her debut as an orphan in 1994 in the thriller film Leon. Orignallyy thinkg of chosing Nicole Kidman I have chosen Portman because of her young childlike appearance. This would benefit the character of Short as if we were to portray her as an innocent and niave type of person audiences will be able to feel more sympathy towards her as well as really establish and how twisted the murder was ,as audiences will be crushed at the sight of someone innocent dieing. This crushing and dark feeling is a feeling I feel in someways would be central our noir theme. I was orignally going to pick Kidman because of her long and wavy hair which would also connote a sense of innocent if there was a shot of her as a cadaver with her hair spread around her, however she's too old to play the role of a 22- 23 year old. Since we cannot actually cast Portman in our thriller a substitue would be to find someone who's brunette and fairly young, around 16- 23 and has medium to long hair.
Natalie Portman as Elizabeth short
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