Thursday 8 November 2012

Basic structure of opening

Basic structure of opening

Shot of a black frame with the non diagetic sound of a monologue
Music starts
Vigilante walking toward the camera monologue continues
Title cards with shots of various images linking in with our narrative
Vigilante enters building
Vigilante investigates buildings room 
match cut into flashback of vigilante investigating corpse
match cut back into present day investigation
match cut into clue found by vigilante the note (see previous post)
Vigilante picks up photo frame which match cuts into detective holding an empty glass
detective gives short monologue
fades back into vigilante investigation with police sirens in the background
opening ends with vigilante responding to the police after they ask him to come out with his hands up - "I'm ready when you are".

Synopsis of opening 
In the 2 minutes of our film we first see a black frame and in the background we hear our first protagonist's "The vigilante" monologue. The story follows him as he starts to investigate a derelict building  looking for any leads on the murder case he is currently investigating and the "bigger picture behind it". As he investigates he starts to remember a body that he found recently in one of la's parks, the same corpse which sent him on this investigation in the first place as he notices a clue which leads him toward this derelict building an apartment building belonging to someone he suspects knows the truth. The vigilante goes on to look for any leads in the apartment and picks up a damaged photo frame this then match cuts into the second protagonist the detective as he is holding an empty glass. The detective then gives a short monologue allowing the audience to gain some insight into his life. This then fades to black in present day in which the audience should establish that the police have arrived when we hear the sounds of sirens in the background and a man shouting "we've got you surrounded come out with your hands up", the vigilante replies "I'm ready when you are" and it cuts to black.

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