Thursday 8 November 2012

Thriller planning-quick update

Thriller planning-quick update

The video above is a tutorial on how to create a pull focus camera shot on a commercial camera. Hopefully I will be able to learn form this tutorial and implement this feature of film in our opening, more specifically in the scene in which our protagonist "the vigilante" notices the not left behind for him (see script post and opening structure post).

Monologue inspirations
When writing the monologue I drew inspiration from such titles like sin city and Max Payne and how their protagonists use internal monologues to drive narrative and empahise and exaggerate emotion through the use of over the top euphemisms and metaphors and short sentences.

"I've been framed for murder and the cops are in on it. But the real enemy, the son of a bitch who killed the angel lying next to me, he's out there somewhere, out of sight, the big missing piece that'll give me how and the why and a face and a name and a soul to send screaming into hell. "- Marv from sin city One of my inspirations

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