Wednesday 14 November 2012

Our Soundtrack 3

Our Soundtrack 3

Below are video links to new sounds and music that will feature in our film opening.  All 3 tracks below were downloaded from and are royalty free. Below the track Small Blind, will replace Gustav Mahler in the vigilante investigation scene. The reason this track was chosen as it's slow pace and high violin strings convey tension as well as a sombre and macabre environment.  I feel that the inclusion of this song in the investigation scene will easily create suspense in the scene as well as convey a noir feel.

Small blind

The track below Concussion will be played when the vigilante first notices the photo frame clue which then the audience will see a flashback onto the discovery of the note written in lipstick. I feel that the tracks distorted sounds with its subtle intro will be able to introduce a flashback in an interesting way as well as conveying a dark and deranged atmosphere. This will also help me subtly convey the idea of the protagonist the vigilante aka "Dahlia" as a deranged type of character as mentioned in some of my previous posts.


Below is a video link for our last track to feature in our Thriller film Concussion Reprise. This track will be played in the last part of our opening when the police call of for "Dahlia" and he replies I'm ready when you are. I have chosen this track specifically for its sublet tone and big ending at the end. I feel that this track will summarise our opening with its  subtle imagery but climatic ending which ends just before the conflict between "Dahlia" and the police.

Concussion Reprise

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