Monday 24 September 2012

My experience with a film camera

My experience with the film camera

Recently in my media lessons we've been practising with film camera's to achive certian shots such over the shoulder shots, low angles, long shots etc.
Overall I felt setting up certain shots such as over the shoulder and high angle shots were easier to set up than others for instance to set up a panning shot of peoples feet my group and I needed some help using a trolley to prevent any shakiness. First we strapped th camera itself onto the trolley since it wouldnt fit onto it directly. we then rolled the trolley along a path to get the shot.

Other shots such as crane shots were created by standing on a flight of stairs whereas POV shot was created by holding the camera directly infront of our eyes and move while it was recording.

Ultimately I believe my experience with the cameras went well although my group and I did have to apply some creativity to achieve certain shots.

1 comment:

  1. Well done on the application of creativity to your task - it'll come in handy for the next one!


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