Saturday 20 October 2012

Spider diagram of ideas

Spider diagram of film ideas

Before we chose to develop a film noir story we first put down our ideas in a spider diagram to determine which one we would choose to develop

The ideas listed in the diagram are:
  • A spy mystery around a man hiding from the government
  • A Man who finds an exact copy of himself one the beach injured.
  • A sci-fi thriller based around the Manhattan project.
  • A man buried alive by a gang of mobster, as he is laying in his coffin he starts to narrate whilst attempting to break out.
  • A film Noir detective story

We decided to chose the Film Noir story as we felt this will allow us to explore a range of devices to crate suspense for example lighting and sound. We felt the genre's slow pace will allow us not to rely on action to drive the narrative. Furthermore since we are doing this genre in terms of location, the need for a hollywood worthy set is fairly minimal in contrast to creating a sci-fi thriller. Finally by choosing this genre we can look at many film and other types of texts like video games and TV for reference, especially for re-creating its distinct style.

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