Thursday 25 October 2012

New ideas for thriller

New ideas for thriller

Quick notes
  •  Name of our thriller has been decided:  Memento mori (which is latin for Remember your mortality)
  • We decided this name as we feel it holds significance to our vigilante character whom we've now named "Dahlia" after the black dahlia murder in la 1947 the period and setting of our piece.
    • The title links in with our 1st protagonist as he believes he is now longer a man but a symbol; symbol are forever immortal i.e religious symbols and the ideas they bring with it. Furthermore the remember your mortality part is a hint toward the large corporate conspiracy narrative device we have included in our film. corrupt corporations that believe they are immortal and can do whatever they want
    • We've named him Dahlia because in our narrative the papers and the police mistaken him and hold him responsible for the murders occurring
  •  Our detective character has a name: Theodore "Teddy" Kaplin; common 40's American name

Props- development of the "Dahlia's" mask 
  • To create the mask for our masked vigilante we have decided to refer to two helpful videos on how to design a mask similar to the Rorschach mask from the film watchmen.
  • We hope to adopt this technique and use our design to create the "Dahlia's" mask
  • One way we could print our graphic onto the mask is use sublimation printing techniques since we have access to one in the school it would be appropriate, however this technique may be too "high tech" to convey a 40's atmosphere .
  • Below are two images that we have used as reference our rough mask design as seen in the previous ideas and costume post. 
  • Note: the image on the left we were looking at the middle one in particular and how shadows affect the face; perhaps implementing this shaded shape as a graphic on the mask.

    The videos were using as reference for the mask

    Unfortunately the video couldn't be found to embed so here's a direct link.

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