Sunday 27 January 2013

Cutting it analysis

 Cutting it analysis

Cutting It is a tv drama series set in Manchester, England, following on the lives of a group of people running a hairdressing salon. It ran for four series between 2002 and 2005. 


Visual effects
  • ring recolouring - the ring has been recoloured with a blue tint furthermore the ring is very bright; foreshadows a bad event that may tear apart his relationship.
  • slow motion- in the running to shows the mans futile efforts  to save the woman and to enhance the drama.

Mis en scene
  • The interior of the consultants office and taxi are both studio builds
  • The cafe and hospital were shot on location
  • The cafe connotes a calm environment in contrast to the office which conveys a sense of worry.
  • The scenes set in the taxi allows viewers to gain an insight into the relationship between the two characters.  

Objects and Props
  • Scattered flowers- symbolise death; flowers reminiscent of flower reaths at funerals 
  • Her floral dress also emphasises this link
  • Wedding ring -shown  in several symbolic shots, during times of uncertainty, man's ring is the main focus. showing its importance in the show.

  •  Light placed away from the taxi - if light is used as a symbol for life it could be suggested they are moving away from life and or leaving it behind.
  • The woman's face is slightly shadowed before the doctors appointment - foreshadowing her death.
  • Doctors place, unnatural light - emphasise the cruelty of her death
Camera shots and movement 
  • Two shot in the taxi -frames conveys couples intimacy and allows audiences to make a connection between the two characters.  
  • Ariel shot - contrasts with the taxi shot as audiences are distanced from the couple and also conveys the woman's vulnerability.
  • Extreme close up of the ring - the man is fiddling with the ring; he is holding onto their marriage. 
  • POV shot - creates tension; puts the audience in the drivers seat, we get to feel the shock he is feeling.
  • Crane shot of the doctors office - we do not hear any speech nor do we see the full interior, this could interpreted as the woman having an outer body experience because of how surreal her news is.
  • Close up shot of the woman crying - the emotion on her face is mixed and conveys neither happiness or sadness; from this we don't know if its good or bad news this as an effect creates tension.
  • Establishing shot of the exterior of hospital - establishes location and gives us and idea of where they are going as previously mentioned in the taxi shots.
  • Alternating shots of the couple - allows audience to see both characters interacting with each other. In the shots that centre on the man we can see the woman, however in the shots that centre on the woman we cant see the man. Perhaps this relates to her feelings towards the man; shes just not interested in him nor is he even part of her world.
  • Close up of them holding hands - reinforces their intimacy.

Verbal Soundtrack
  • Dialogue,voiceover,narrations
  • The dialogue between the characters shows the viewer the characters thoughts and emotions. This also mixes with background noises.
  •  Natural Sounds, pauses and silence
  • Natural sounds -The car skidding shows something bad has happened even though audiences cant see what has happened.
Music Score
  •  Stings - an extract of a song
  •  Stings - a slow and sombre song played during the cafe and office scenes. This blocks out the dialogue so the audience can't hear whats being said.
  • The last line of the song before it fades is "remember what you see"this may hold some relevance talking to the audience to prepare themselves for the "big shock".
  • The sound of the heart beat - blocks out his surroundings emphasises his fear.
  • When audiences see the man holding the woman body we hear dramatic music which builds the tension.
Ambient Sound
  • General background noise
  • Dialogue louder than the diagetic sound of moving traffic -sets the scene

1 comment:

Do you like the background ?